Commercial Lease Assistance During COVID-19 (Part One)


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The impact of the coronavirus on the commercial world in Sydney has been felt by many.

Whether it’s office-based businesses, retail companies or industrial tenants, the effects have been devastating to say the least.

Many business’ income has dropped exponentially. Therefore, these losses are inevitably having an impact on their ability to hold onto their commercial space.

The government has announced a new code of conduct to ensure businesses and landlords come out of the pandemic with intact commercial lease agreements.

However, a tenant advisor is often a necessity in the negotiations that will inevitably be required. Here’s why.


Gain an Edge in a Market Which Favours the Landlord

Many tenants and landlords across Sydney have been hit hard by the pandemic.

Crippled cash flow, the struggle to make rental payments and staff losses have all combined to affect many businesses and landlords.

However, the commercial property market in Sydney is one where the landlord is usually in the stronger position. For instance, before the COVID-19 outbreak, the vacancy rate for Sydney CBD office space was around 3%.

That means the landlord is in a great position, consistently with a number of suitors vying for their prime commercial property.

Therefore, hiring a tenant advisor at this time can help you navigate the treacherous waters of commercial property, made even more harrowing by the COVID-19 pandemic.

A commercial tenant advisor will be able to strengthen your negotiating position and if required, help you surrender your Sydney commercial lease.


Get the Best Possible Lease Terms

At Niche Tenant Advisory, we have years of experience in negotiating the very best commercial lease terms for our clients.

This means the biggest amount of quality office space for the most reasonable price. This is especially important in the current climate.

Perhaps you’re renegotiating or surrendering your lease… whichever it is, a professional Sydney commercial lease advisor can help you get the best terms.


Save Time and Money

When you have a commercial tenant advisor like Niche Tenant Advisory in your corner, you’ll be sure to save time and money.

Our experience and expertise in the field of commercial leases is extensive.

This means that when we help you with your lease negotiation or surrender, we get it down efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.

If you’re able to save money and time when it comes to negotiating your lease, you can divert that effort into other parts of your business.

To discuss your Sydney commercial lease and the impact of COVID-19, get in touch with Niche Tenant Advisory here.


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