Industrial Lease in Bonnyrigg Heights

If you are looking for assistance with Industrial Lease in Bonnyrigg Heights you have come to the right place.


Niche Tenant Advisory specialises in Industrial Lease and helps commercial tenants Find Compare & Negotiate Industrial Lease in an ever changing property market.


While Commercial Landlord and Real Estate Agents work together to achieve the best Industrial Lease price for Landlords, who is on your side? Trust a Commercial Lease Advisory Service like no other with a proven track record and an end to end delivery model which can take care of your entire relocation Journey.


We specialise in helping our clients with Industrial Lease in Bonnyrigg Heights and guarantee savings over your lease lifecycle. In an ever changing commercial property market you need representation when dealing with Industrial Lease in order to achieve a risk adverse, cost effective business outcome.


When you are looking for a space that suits your business, you need to know how much space to look for. Try out Office Space Calculator to determine how much space you need.


The next thing you need to do is conduct a search, by Size, Location and Cost and the only way you can do that is by using a commercial real estate page like But how will you compare the properties without the key commercial terms? Most agents wont share this information until you have inspected the premises and expressed interest in the space and have requested a lease proposal. Niche Advisory bi-passes this time consuming process and sets up an Expression of Interest (EOI) campaign on your behalf to capture and compare all properties available in the market that suit your business. 


We know moving office isn’t for the feint hearted, most try to renegotiate their current lease to save disruption and hassle however sometimes its cost effective to relocate. Niche will compare all leases in detail including all factors which relate to cost to ensure you are comparing “apples for apples”. We also put a great deal of time into our lease negotiations to ensure that the agreed commercial terms represent the most risk adverse in the market. This ensures there are no surprises down the track!


Relocating with Niche is easy because we are the only end to end in house service in Sydney. We provide one contact point for the Negotiation, Design, Fitout, Makegood and Relocation and carry out all hard work for you using our direct team.


To get in touch with one of our helpful advisors for a no obligation chat about your Industrial Lease requirement phone 02 9114 9067 or Contact Us.


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