Lease Surrender

It’s difficult for many businesses to predict future growth or contractions of staff on a yearly basis, let alone in 3 to 5 years time. In an ideal world commercial leases would be flexible and easily breakable, but that is not the reality.

The cost of exiting a commercial lease is in the first instance the cost of the remaining rent payable up to lease completion. It is up to the lessee to negotiate an exit fee for a lease surrender or “break lease” scenario.

At Niche, we help alleviate the pressure in lease surrender negotiations by taking a practical approach to negotiations to ensure positive outcomes. We look at both your lease tail and makegood obligation and present likely scenarios for you to consider.

Combined with our New Lease Negotiation and Makegood Negotiation, its a winning formula to help you move to a more suitable space for your business, sooner.

Contact us now to discuss your options.

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